Sunday, August 3, 2008

A trip to the beach

We thought a change of scenery might be a good thing, so with a little bit of planning and a lot of luck we went to San Diego the last week of July. We planned a couple of days at the beach, some school shopping and a day at Sea World. It was great to be at the beach. The waves were great for boogie boarding, body surfing and wave jumping but it was overcast and windy, so it was a bit chilly for us Arizoner's. But we stayed most of the day and had so much fun that we went back for a second day. It was equally as fun but the kids said that it wasn't Mexico. I think all of the advertising Shane has put out there for Rocky Point is starting to stick with the kids....way to go Shane. But one thing I know for sure is that our kids love the beach no matter where it is.
While we were there Jake met some new friends... Slimy, Sasquach, and Little Foot(left to right). He played with his snail friends all afternoon and drug them all over the yard. He was sad that we couldn't bring them home but he loves this picture of them. There was lots of swimming. Night swimming, day swimming, swimming in just the hot tub and of course swimming at the beach. I think we should be good until fall break!
Sunday we went to church in Del Mar and then we spent some time on the San Diego Temple grounds. We all agreed that it was a beautiful place to send some time together. The last leg of our trip was a day with Shamu. As you can imagine some were more excited about this day than others. But when the day was done, all had a great day. Jake by far was the most excited about everything, but really liked being down in Shamu's house. But we were all a little disappointed in not getting soaked in the soak zone at the whale show. Although, no one smelled like a fish during the ride home. -sara


julie williams said...

Sounds like you had a blast!! I'm so glad you were able to get away. The water may be cold in San Diego...but we love it there. I don't mind because I don't get in and sitting on the beach with a nice breeze works for me. I can't believe school starts next week... so not ready! Love ya

amy said...

I love seeing new posts! Jake's little friends sound ewwww. You will love blogging...I promise:-)

I am always here to help...

Anonymous said...

It's so good to see you all looking so good!! The kids have grown so much, and Shane and Sara look great. Everyone seems to have weathered the storm you all went through and have come out the other side even more blessed! I love your family :)

tamra said...

What a fabulous getaway vacation!!!! PERFECT TIMING! Thanks for keeping the blog going!
Love you guys!

gray-gang said...

Looks like you all had a great time! I love your post and vacation pictures! Your family is so beautiful!

The Ginter Family said...

Thanks for sharing all of the fun details about your trip. We love the pictures and are happy you are continuing the blog. We wish you well!

christy said...

WHOO HOOO FOR YOU!!! You little blogger you!! I love the San Diego pictures!! Love the snail friends, Jake is is the best!! Keep up the good work...I will be watching!!