Monday, November 24, 2008

breaking the block

I guess that I hit my first bout of bloggers block. It could be that nothing has happened to write about or that the steam has run out of my blogger or that I have been so busy that I haven't taken the time to read my email let alone blog. Honestly, it is the third option! Some of you might think that I still am having some post election blues, but I have moved on.
So what is happening at the house of Buntrock? Well Shane is leaving this Wednesday to elk hunt. Yes, you read that right. The man survives a plane crash, 3rd degree burns on his lower half of his body and 60 days in the hospital and yet he still wants to do a once in a lifetime elk hunt 7 months after this accident. We all are a little nervous about him going on a hunting trip but the one item that gives us some comfort is that he is not flying!! So he will be gone for his birthday and Thanksgiving(same day). Then he leaves for Washington D.C. on Monday to get home Wednesday.
I was in S. California last week for some What's your Virtue? business. We even ate lunch at the Bright Spot Cafe and saw Mark Ruffalo eating lunch. He was in 13 going on 30. It was a very positive trip and I will write more on this later.
Then last Friday morning, Madison, Haley, myself and two of Maddy's friends skipped school and went to see Twilight. I didn't love the two books that I read in the series, but I did really enjoy the movie. I would have to say that maybe my neck might belong to Edward.....


Jaimee said...

Sara, I love what you wrote about Edward! Converting, maybe?!? :D Glad you are blogging again! Talk to you later.

molly said...

did I hear correctly that you didn't love the two books? How have we not talked about this? At least you loved the movie, I guess we can stay friends. Happy Thanksgiving (can I take Shanes spot at the table? I keep hearing what a great cook you are...?)

The Dewey's said...

Sorry, but Edward is mine!